Helsinki Walk
Today, they can easily rent a cottage on the lake, and relax in the fresh…

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New trends on the Adriatic coast of Italy: the family resort of Bibione
Vacation season is much closer than it seems. From year to year more and more…


Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it is difficult…


The amazing sights of Nepal: Dakshinkali Temple
Nepalese are very religious. It is believed that most of the population in Nepal professes…

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The amazing sights of Nepal: Dakshinkali Temple
Nepalese are very religious. It is believed that most of the population in Nepal professes…


11 amazing things to do on Samui
Beautiful beaches, colorful markets and unique landscapes - this is only a small part of…

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photos for memory

How to choose a tour and not regret your choice?

You can trust the travel agency, they will be happy to help you choose the right tour, taking into account your taste and financial condition, because it is for this that they exist. And you can rely only on yourself and on your own strength, and choose the tour yourself, and believe me, there is nothing difficult here, you just need to take into account all the nuances and not forget anything.

How to choose a tour and not regret your choice? Continue reading

Weekend in Russia: the best tourist routes
For those who are looking for where to go for the weekend - alone, together…


5 places to extend the winter
Not enough winter to go skiing or snowboarding? We offer a selection of resorts located…


The "Bride" of the Mediterranean - Alexandria
At the time of "open" Egypt, Alexandria was not popular with the mass Russian tourist,…
