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Useful tips for tourists
Certainly for each country has its own particular nuances, but there are also common for all of Asia, which are better to follow.
How to avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning
According to WHO, southeast Asia was named a region with a high probability of poisoning when it comes to using local dishes. Continue reading
Shark attacks: in which countries they attack more often
After the bloody events in the fall of 2010 in Egypt and in the summer of 2011 on the Russian Far Eastern beaches where shark victims were common tourists, we began to talk about these marine predators more often not as exotic, but as a real danger to tourists.
This danger, however, as it often happens, is greatly exaggerated, the shark on the beach, according to biologists, is still an exception, not the rule. Continue reading
The amazing sights of Nepal: Dakshinkali Temple
Nepalese are very religious. It is believed that most of the population in Nepal professes Hinduism, although in fact the inhabitants of this country have created some kind of mixture of Buddhist beliefs, Hinduism and tantric rites. A small part of the population professes Islam, shamanism and Christianity.
The main attractions of Nepal are the highest mountains (Himalayas), national parks and temples, of which there are many.
By virtue of their religiosity, the Nepalese believe that their whole space is filled with spirits, sometimes unfriendly. Continue reading