Excursions in transit or where the tourist will be offered a free trip during the connection of flights?
Flights with a "long" transfer - not the most favorite offer from tourists. However, at…

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The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh
Thanks to a decent Egyptian service, clear sea and gorgeous coral reefs, Charm, without exaggeration,…


Shark attacks: in which countries they attack more often
After the bloody events in the fall of 2010 in Egypt and in the summer…


Weekend in Russia: the best tourist routes
For those who are looking for where to go for the weekend - alone, together…

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Useful tips for tourists
Certainly for each country has its own particular nuances, but there are also common for…


Hotels in the resort of Jesolo in Italy: a beach holiday in the heart of Europe
Vacation on the Venice Riviera is the perfect summer destination for all who want to…

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considered the guardian

New Year in Paris – what, where and how?

Paris is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world, and the New Year is one of the most beloved holidays. It is not surprising that among the Russian tourists there are a large number of people willing to celebrate New Year somewhere, closer to the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees. TURPROM offers you a small life hack on how to properly celebrate the New Year in Paris. By the way, on this link you will find the site and the location for the selection of a professional guide in Paris and all of France.

The Champs Elysees, the famous boulevard with a view of the Eiffel Tower – is truly one of the favorite places to meet the new year, including the Parisians themselves. Continue reading

New Year in Goa: where and how to relax for tourists?

New Year’s holidays are an excellent opportunity to go on a trip. At the same time, the Indian state of Goa remains one of the most popular holiday destinations among our compatriots for many years, ready to offer tourists at this time of year a warm sea, delicious food and an incredible atmosphere of celebration and unity with nature. In addition, we should not forget that in the first half of the 20th century, India was a colony of the British Empire, having gained independence only in 1947, against which the country is extremely respectful to Christian and European traditions.

One of the main advantages of this destination is the warm weather, which Russians lack so much in winter: in January, the sea in Goa warms up to +28 degrees, during the day, tourists can sunbathe in the sun, warming the air to +30. Continue reading

Weekend in Russia: the best tourist routes

For those who are looking for where to go for the weekend – alone, together or with family, so that it is inexpensive, interesting, comfortable, and maybe even with unusual adventures – we offer to look at the most interesting tours selected and tested by travel industry experts.

Here you will find not only illustrated descriptions and interactive maps of the routes themselves, but also the prices of tours and tips on what to bring from a particular city. This included descriptions of brand routes in the regions of Russia, which were tested by tour operators themselves – ATOR experts. A complete list of approved brand routes can be found here. Continue reading

Four reasons to send a tourist to Tunisia
Here, tourists do not need to think out what to do - Tunisia offers excellent…


Four reasons to send a tourist to Tunisia
Here, tourists do not need to think out what to do - Tunisia offers excellent…


The "Bride" of the Mediterranean - Alexandria
At the time of "open" Egypt, Alexandria was not popular with the mass Russian tourist,…
